The Access Services Department of the Hunt Library helps to ensure superior service through efficient management of the library's collections. We are committed to providing timely and courteous service to all library users. Media materials, such as VHS/DVD, are in the Access Services Department and operates from the Borrow Desk.
The Access Services Department is located behind the Borrow Desk to the right upon entering the library.
My Library Account
My Library Account allows you to manage your library account in the following ways:
- Keep up with what materials you have checked out and when they are due
- Renew materials that are eligible for renewal
- See any fines and fees associated with your account
- See the status of any Requests you may have placed
To access your My Library Account:
- Log in to EagleSearch using your ERAU login.
- Click on the tab that has the information you need, an Overview, Loans (items you have checked out), Requests, Fines and Fees, Blocks and Messages, etc.

If you have any questions while using My Library Account, contact the Access Services staff by calling 386-226-6592 or emailing
Borrowing Library Materials (Daytona Beach)
The Access Services Department is located behind the Borrow Desk to the right upon entering the library.
The Access Services staff can assist you with all of the following:
- Checking library materials in and out
- Renewing library materials
- Answering questions about your library account
- Retrieving materials from the Reserve and Special Collections
- Locating items in the stacks
- Answering directional questions
- Lost and found items
- Referring patrons to appropriate library departments for further assistance
Our ERAU affiliated patrons (students, faculty and staff) may check out circulating items by presenting a valid EagleCard. For more information on how to obtain an EagleCard, visit the EagleCard or contact the EagleCard center at 386-226-7578.
There is no limit on the number of circulating print items currently-enrolled students and active staff and faculty may check out. Media from the video/DVD collection have varying loan periods depending on the patron's status (student, staff, or faculty).
All patrons are responsible for any materials checked out on their cards and for any fines incurred. Lost or stolen cards should be reported at the EagleCard office immediately. Otherwise you will be held accountable for the unauthorized use of your EagleCard.
Please notify Access Services Staff of any changes to your contact information so we can keep our records current. Library notices relating to recalls, overdue materials, and your library account are sent to the email or physical address we have on file.
The Hunt Library bases our Confidentiality Policy on Florida Statute (s 257.261.F.S.0) as it pertains to patron confidentiality and privacy of patron records. Please see the library's Confidentiality Policy for more information.
View information about Loan Periods.
Renewing Circulating Print Library Materials
Circulating print materials may be renewed if there are no holds or requests placed on the item and if the loan has not exceeded the maximum number of renewals.
To renew materials, bring the materials and your EagleCard to the Borrow Desk or renew online. Items may be renewed by telephone at the discretion of the Access Services staff.
All materials checked out to students are subject to request by another patron after 14 days. The new due date generated by the request supersedes the original due date. Please return requested items by the new due date to avoid incurring overdue fines and suspension of library privileges. In the event of a request, a notice will be emailed or mailed to the address in your patron record.
Please note that items checked out to Faculty and Staff are due one year from the checkout date. Due to this extended loan period, items checked out to Faculty and Staff must be renewed at the library, not online.
Renewing an Item Online in My Library Account
To renew an item online, you will first need to access your library account.
1. In EagleSearch, click on the menu icon in the top-right corner of the page and click on My Library Account from the dropdown menu.
2. Sign in using your ERAU login.
Once logged in, the screen should show your personal information, including the books that are currently checked-out to you.

3. Click on the Renew All link at the top of the Loans list, or click on View All... Loans > to make a selection on which ones you want to renew.
- If the item is not renewable, the book may have been requested by another patron or you may have reached the maximum renewals allowed. If the online renewal process is not successful, you are still responsible for returning the item on the due date.
- If the renewal was successful, you will see "Renewed" and the new due date listed next to the title of the item. It is your responsibility to verify the new due date for each item. As stated above, some items may not be renewed.
4. When finished, click on the Sign Out button from the menu at the top of the screen under your name.
If you have any problems or questions, please call the Access Services Department during library hours, at 386-226-6592, or email