Hunt Library, located on the third and fourth floors of the Student Union, provides a variety of study and learning options: group study rooms, individual study carrels, collaborative tables and pods, and leisure reading areas. The library provides 417 seats, 91 computer workstations, six networked printers, and three photocopier/scanners. The Hunt Library has five large group study rooms located on the third floor across from the Borrow Desk. On the fourth floor is a dedicated quiet study space and a classroom used for library instruction and faculty workshops.
Library Information
Library Departments
A list of library departments with contact information.
Academic Liaisons
Library contacts for specific departments.
Annual Reports and Strategic Plan
Vision and mission statements and strategic directions.
Hunt Library Employment
Job openings at Hunt Library in Daytona Beach.
Who was Jack R. Hunt?
A brief biography of the namesake of Hunt Library.
Using the Library
Library Hours and Calendar
Regular building and help hours and special hours for holidays.
Library Collections
What you can find in the Hunt Library print and online collections.
Library Facilities
Information about the Hunt Library space.
Library Newsletter and Updates
Read the Hunt Library Newsletter and Updates.
Library Policies
A list of Hunt Library policies and copyright information.
Other Information
ERAU Libraries Book Club
A joint venture of Hunt Library and Hazy Library for book lovers.
New Books and eBooks
Print and electronic material recently added to the collection.
Hunt Library accepts donations in the form of materials as well as monetary contributions (Giving to Embry-Riddle).