Hunt Library Fall 2017 Newsletter
New Services
On-Campus Delivery
Books and other items requested from our collection or through Interlibrary Loan will be delivered to Daytona Beach campus faculty or staff upon request. When you receive an email that your item is available at the library, just reply that you would like the item delivered. Be sure to include your office location and phone number.
Consult with a Librarian
While we always welcome research questions at the Ask Desk or through our Ask a Librarian service, we also recognize that some research questions require advance preparation and lengthier one-on-one assistance. We now offer Research Consultations, dedicated time slots matching a faculty/staff/student with a Research Librarian for a 15+ minute consultation. To request a research consultation, please complete our short request form.
Course Reserves
Faculty are encouraged to place desk copies of required or supplemental textbooks on Course Reserves. Students appreciate the 3-hour access, and your personal copy is returned to you at the end of the term (if not renewed). To participate in Course Reserves, please see our Reserves Policy webpage and form.
Research Guides
Our Research Guide collection is continually updated by Research Librarians. New guides include Evaluating News Sources, Bibliometrics, and Literature Reviews.
Library Liaisons
Research Librarians are assigned to Academic Departments as a point of contact for needs related to library collection development and user education. Determine your liaison’s name and contact information through the Academic Liaisons webpage.
Schedule Library User Education
Research Librarians provide library instruction customized to your students’ research needs. We can also provide supplemental information for posting in Canvas. Please plan as far in advance as possible. Written assignment sheets are appreciated.
To request library instruction, please complete our Library Instruction Request Form.
Changes to Services
Suggest a Purchase - New Quick Link
The library has streamlined the process for requesting materials. Select the library quick link Suggest a Purchase to recommend materials.
Daytona Beach Students’ Concerns Addressed
In response to students’ comments about its small temporary location, Hunt Library has added additional quiet study space, reintegrated more of its book collection from storage, and is paying closer attention to the cleanliness of the environment. Please spread the word about our sincere efforts! For more details, see our open letter to students in The Avion. As always, student concerns about the library may be addressed directly to the Library Director,
A-Z Journal List Renamed
The A-Z Journal List was renamed to Online Journals to reflect the fact that it is an index for journals to which we subscribe online. If we do not have a journal online, we may have it in print or microfilm. Print journal titles must be searched separately.
New eBook Platform
Our largest eBook platform, ebrary, has changed to eBook Central. Any personal accounts, bookmarked links, and settings migrated over seamlessly. The new platform contains more titles, better mobile access, and enhanced abilities to manage and share research.
Research Database Updates
IHS Aerospace, Defence & Security changed its name to Jane’s by IHS.
Engineering Village modernized its interface for better usability.
Web of Science now includes an add-on search tab called Journal Citation Reports for journal impact factors.
New databases:
ASTM Compass. Full-text access to ASTM international standards, journals, and other publications.
PsycArticles. Full-text articles from the APA and affiliated journals.
Regional Business News. Regional business publications covering U.S. metropolitan and rural areas.
Wiley Online Library. Contains a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
(Research Databases are listed in alphabetical order and also grouped by subject.)
ERAU Hunt Library