Hunt Library Special Update — January 13, 2022
Hello Worldwide Faculty and Staff,
We hope that 2022 is off to a good start for all of you. Here are some library updates of note.
ProQuest maintenance
Select ProQuest databases will be down overnight Saturday January 15, from 10pm-6am EST. These databases include: Academic Video Online, Ebook Central.
Library instruction
A reminder of our On-Demand Webinar Collection that we’ve been building with your input. Of particular interest for Worldwide courses has been Research Kickstart: Picking a Topic and Literature Reviews, suitable for adding to classes.
Help us promote our first synchronous webinar of 2022, Introduction to Library Resources and Services, led by Penny Cairns, Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 7:00pm EST. Registrants receive a link to the recording. Students may register for the webinar via the library website.
Introduction to Library Resources and Services
Tuesday, January 18 7:00pm EST
To request more specific library instruction (virtual or in person), a research guide, or a video tutorial, please see Instructional Support options.
Library resources for class
Have you assigned a library ebook instead of a traditional, expensive textbook? Let us know using our new Textbook Reporting Form. By reporting your textbook, we can let you know of any changes or updates to your ebook and track how much you’re saving students by using library materials.
New library materials: January 2022
Browse new print book and ebook titles.
New content or significant changes in research databases
Research databases are listed alphabetically.
- Air & Space Law (HeinOnline) – We’ve added a collection of historical documents to our HeinOnline subscription.
- Global Terrorism Database – Information on domestic and international terrorist attacks.
- GRAPES (Graduate & Postdoctoral Extramural Support) – An Open Access database of scholarships, grants, fellowships, and postdoctoral awards has been added to our database listing.
- McGill Institute of Air and Space Publications – The Annals of Air and Space Law plus additional publications from McGill Institute of Air and Space Law.
- Military and Intelligence – A more targeted search was enabled in this partial full-text collection of literature on the armed forces, the socioeconomic effects of war, government policies, and more.
- New York Times – Create a free account in order to access daily issues of The New York Times, including special features.
- OAPEN Library – An Open Access database of ebooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences has been added to our database listing.
- SAE Mobilus – Now includes ARINC Standards and EDGE Research Reports.
Library service enhancements
EagleSearch enhancements will occur incrementally through April. Search results are now easier to narrow by date with a click instead of a sliding bar. Additionally, the search refinement “Add results beyond your library’s collection,” popular with advanced researchers, has moved from the upper right of search results to the left-hand column.
Print library materials are now easier to request and renew via a “Sign In” link at the top of a book record. Print materials checkout for 60 days and can be renewed for an additional 60 days. Library notices are sent to ERAU email addresses. For more information, see Worldwide Borrowing.
Read, relax, relate
Do you love to read? Do you enjoy chatting about books with your friends? Do you like recommending books or do you get inspired by what others are reading?
If so, join us for our upcoming book club meeting. Spring book selections are: The Book of Lost Names, How Lucky and Falling. Each meeting will include a raffle and a chance to win a book prize. For more information about the books, meeting times and Zoom links, please see ERAU Libraries Book Club.